For some, the holidays aren't always as happy as some might think they would be. There are those who have already put up their Christmas decorations, and there are those that are dreading this time of the year. Why does something so magical, bring so many down? There can be a lot of things that bring people down during this time. The first and probably easiest explanation is seasonal depression. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects 11 million people yearly with 25 million people having a milder form of seasonal depression called the winter blues. Seasonal Depression - Symptoms, Causes, Treatments Although researchers do not know exactly what causes SAD, they believe it may have something to do with the amount of sunlight during the day.
However, it isn't that simple for everyone. The holidays are thought to be a time to celebrate family near and far with lots of family gatherings and family meals. What happens when you no longer have all of your family members? What happens when your children and grandchildren move away? This is often times what brings so many people down. The thought of not having your family to celebrate with, is sometimes the hardest part of the holidays. With modern technology, we can still "see and hear" family members no matter how far away they may be. However, what about those that have passed?
There are things we can do to help us through some of the tough moments we face during the holidays. The biggest thing we can do is never let go of the memories! Memories are some of the most powerful tools we have. For example, my mother-in-law always loved gardening and bringing pretty flowers into her home. I am not sure if it was really a tradition for her, or if she just received them as gifts, but I can remember her always have amaryllis flowers around Christmas time. Since her passing, I make sure to buy amaryllis bulbs around this time, so that they will bloom by Christmas or shortly after. When we see the flowers, we not only think of her, but we can keep her with us during the holidays. On a more comical note, one year we put my grandmother's wig on a mannequin head and had her join us for Christmas dinner. If you knew "Mawsy", you would know she was both fussing at us for our shenanigans but laughing with us as well.
No matter what you decide to do for the holidays, make sure you keep the memories alive. So many things in life revolve around our perspectives about the situation. Don't be afraid to bring up the memories you have. Share the good times and laughs, with those that you have around you. Cook their favorite meal. Wear something they may have worn for a fancy get together. Whatever evokes a happy memory for you, will in turn make a happy moment for those around you.
If you are having trouble or feeling a little down this holiday season, please feel free to reach out to us to make an appointment. We have therapists on staff Monday - Friday from 9:00 to 6:00. We would love to help you get through the holidays feeling better than ever!
Family Ties Counseling